Land of the First

The First

Introduction in words, pictures, and music, to the books of ‘The Iksmiah’.

Land of the First: Servant of Fire, Servant of Lies and Servant of Darkness

To Touch The Creator: Servant of Stone, Servant of Order and Servant of Tears


The Place

The Place

Born of divided night, Uriel weaves its well-trodden path about its mighty star, Rafarel, first of all fires. Surrounded by the far glories of the Bright Heavens, here is the Land of the First.


The People

The People

First to name the earth, the air, the fire and the water; first to name creation and know what it is that they name. But the Ell know that all things have their opposite – no light without dark, no love without hatred – so they hold the line against the abyss, for ever guarding against its temptation.


The Temptation

The Temptation

Before the heavens there was the abyss, the Mahorelah, wherein dwells unbridled chaos, desire without end. Throughout the ages many have submitted to its lure, opening its gates and calling up its legions. Only by unceasing vigilance is the world kept safe, for though it sleep for all eternity, the abyss will never desist.


The Prophecies

The Prophecies

In the never-ending struggle against chaos the greatest weapon is that of foresight. Time being the agent of revelation, hands are ever dipped in its waters. Occasionally, though, the visions gained are not always fully understood, and it is only after events have come to pass that the true meaning is revealed. But by then, of course, it is already too late.


The Enemy

The Enemy

Unseen and unprecedented, they arrive out of the empty places. Hidden by their very vacuity, their irruptions are as terrifying as they are unexpected. Most believe they are of the abyss, yet another invasion instigated by the powers of sorcery, but others know better. There are older evils than that which is known, for here are the heavings of the void: the hidden, the unrevealed, the nameless.


The Tale

The Tale

So unfolds the tale of the war against the void. Here is the struggle to hold back the tide, the deluge that threatens not only Uriel itself, but all of creation.


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