The Lore of the Ell

The Lore of the Ell

Here are the three, the original powers, all things made known by their opposite and the balance in between. Here are the three gifts, but not the wisdom to use them wisely. And there lies The Tale...


The Namad Soygah

The Namad Soygah

The power of divination, to apprehend like a god. Here is both the blessing and the curse, as the ability to see can also trap those that are seen in the very cage from which they wish to escape.


The Namad Dar

The Namad Dar

The supreme lore, the gift of the Creator. Here lies knowledge of the very foundation of creation, the place where the word is written. Here is where the word itself can be undone and creation rewritten in the service of the will.


The Namad Mahorelah

The Namad Mahorelah

Here is the power to summon both elements and servants and make them do your will. All wars upon Uriel began with the misuse of this power, for here lies the root of all desire – the abyss itself.


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